Friday, September 28, 2012

Grayson's Birth Story

Grayson, as known by many as Peanut, came into this world after being a bit stubborn for mama.  As I have posted before, Ella weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and got stuck a bit at delivery so our goal for "Peanut" was to deliver before he/she was too big so we didnt have any issues.  Grayson liked to lay sideways pretty much my entire pregnancy, you could actually see my belly was sideways.  I thought that was a bit odd since I never noticed that with Ella, I just figured he/she liked to stretch out.  I say he/she because we decided to not find out the gender until delivery. When we were pregnant with Ella, I told Matt if he let me find out on her we wouldnt find out on our next baby (not thinking he would hold me to my word! Oh but he did!)  Fast forward 36.5ish weeks pregnant with Peanut. We went to have our 3D sono to get the estimated weight so we could have a better estimate on whether we should induce or not.  At that time baby was measuring 7 lbs 2 oz. give or take a lb.  We went to the doctor a every week for checkups and baby was head down at that point. At our 37 week appointment, I went in and of course Matt was working so I was by myself when I got the news that Peanut was Transverse and I would not be able to deliver vaginally if he/she didnt turn head down in next few days.  I was devastated.  I started praying non-stop and had family and friends praying and it worked! I looked up ways to get a baby to turn and so I spent a few nights doing different positions, crawling around on all fours, whatever I thought might work.  Matt and I went back to the doctor the next Monday after I turned 38 weeks the previous Friday.  I was so stressed out not knowing if he/she had turned or not and whether I would be sent that day to the hospital to start inducement or if I would be scheduling a c-section for the next few days. We got to the doctor and she brought out the sono machine and as she rolled it over my lower area, she said, "That's a head!"  I cannot express to you how excited and relieved I was to hear those words.  I think my doctor was alittle shocked that we got the baby to turn and just kept saying, "Good Job! You Rock!"  She called the hospital and told them we would be on our way to start inducement in a few hours. Soon we would know if our sweet second baby was a son or daughter!  We came home got our bags, ate some lunch and headed to the hospital. We started the process of IV's, paperwork, and all that good stuff. I started out at pretty much nothing, not really dilated or effaced because I had not had a head to press down to do anything. I had contractions constantly but without pressure I wasnt doing anything.  So they put a magic pill on my cervix and it went to work. For most people it takes four doses for me it just took one.  My body knew what to do and it went to work. Things were progressing pretty quickly at first and nurses was estimating having a baby before midnight. We got to the hospital about 2pm.  Contractions started and I walked the hallways for a few hours, bounced and swayed on the birthing ball, sat in the rocking chair all to help with the contractions.  If I layed down they were much worse so I wanted to keep moving.  I  began to dilate but took longer for me to efface.  Midnight came and went.....They started some pitocin finally to help me out and things really started started taking off.  Contractions really started to amp up and I finally decided to get an epideral when I was about 6 cm.  At this point it was early morning and I was pretty tired, I was hoping the epideral would allow me to relax alittle before delivered.  I definitely didnt know what was to come. I got my first epideral and nothing. Contractions were coming with a vengance and were so painful. After about 20 minutes and no relief, he came back and completely redid it.  If you have had an epideral you know it's not a fun process!  Only good thing was the contractions were so bad they masked the process of putting in another epideral.  At this point I was in tears from the pain, I thought to myself I'm going to have to have this baby naturally.  He came back for the third time and redid it again, this time he did a spinal/epi.  The process of him putting it in deeper tissue was awful.  It sent lightening bolt feeling down my leg and I jumped off the table. Thank God my husband was holding me because I still had a needle in my back.  Well it was working!  I then felt another twinge down my other leg and began to become completely numb from the waist down. It was such a relief and amazing feeling after laboring for so long.  As soon I was able to relax I went from a 6 to complete in 30 minutes!!  My nurse said if you feel pressure or need to push let me know. I thought oh it's still going to be alittle while.  Then all of a sudden the pressure came and I started shaking violently. I knew from my delivery with Ella that when I start progressing quickly I shake like crazy. My nurse decided to check to see where I was and said, "Wow you are complete!"  It was GO TIME! I had to wait about 20 minutes or so for my doctor to come in from a C-Section to deliver me. We started pushing with the nurses and my doctor came in and helped coach me, encourage me, and guide me to pushing out our sweet baby.  They were all pretty excited to have patients that didnt know the gender of the baby because it doesnt happen very often now a days.  I pushed for about 30 minutes max and as the baby was crowning my doctor said "feel your baby's head!" Wow what an incredible feeling! He or she had hair, which we were shocked, but excited!!  As I'm pushing I will never forget my doctor continuously saying, "You are a pro, when are we having your next?!" (I lover her!)  After a few more pushed out came our son!!  As soon as the baby was out he was put on my chest I looked down and saw that it was a boy and yelled, It's a Boy!!  What an amazing experience!!  I looked at my husband and he was so proud of me and so excited to finally meet his son.  Matt is such an amazing husband and coach. I couldnt ask for a more amazing husband. Matt cut the cord and I just snuggled with that sweet baby as he got to know his mama for the first time.   We had a birth photographer in the room to capture the moments of us meeting our sweet baby and family meeting him as well. It was so awesome!!  Grayson was taken to get weighed and we all guessed what we thought he would weigh. I never thought he would be 8 lbs 7.5 oz!!  We were so worried about delivery and it all went great and he was a pound bigger than Ella! Guess my body just knew what to do.  After an hour or so of bonding just us, Matt went and got big sister Ella. What a sweet time it was just our little family of four for the first time. Ella loves her brother so much and was just so sweet.  Matt went out to the waiting room with our little fire fighter boy outfit and held it up saying, "It's a Boy!" Our photographer caught it all on camera and I cant wait to see it!  Now we are a family of four, daughter and son and it couldn't be more in love and feel like life is just perfect :)
Pure Perfection:)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Peanut: 38 Weeks

Peanut is 38 weeks! When Ella was born she got stuck and any bigger would of ended up in a C-Section. She weighed 7lb 6 oz. Apparently I have a small birth canal, which I should of known since I broke my mom's pelvis when born and my sister had to have a csection because baby wouldnt fit through. I think I was very lucky with Ella that my doctor induced at 38 weeks with her. So.. with all that said, our game plan was to get an estimated weight of peanut last week which we did and baby was 7lb 2 oz. Then, we were going to induce this Friday! So as the woman I am, I like to keep timelines in my head, you mess with my timeline and I kinda freak out! (Just ask my husband). So I go into the doctor and she starts the exam and immediately says this baby is transverse. What?! Meaning baby is NOT head down and is very sideways. Peanut has hung out this way almost all of my pregnancy, you could look at my belly and it sat sideways (kinda funny). So, obviously peanut can not be induced when he or she is not head down. I was devastated, I actually really enjoy the whole labor and delivery process and have been looking foward to it with this baby. Because we are at a catch 22 with this process being, we cant wait too long for peanut to flip because of the size issue and with a CSection size doesnt matter we decided to wait until this coming Monday to see what happens. So Monday I will go in the morning. If peanut has flipped we will go straight to the hospital to induce if peanut continues to be stubborn we will schedule a CSection for a day during the week. Hopefully sooner in the week than later! I am so ready to meet this sweet baby! So until Monday I will start doing some inversion positions a couple times a day that have been recommended and let the good Lord do His thing. I know if I end of in a CSection it's totally His plan and not my own. We plan on having a birth photographer so she will capture every moment just the same. I am so thankful for my supportive Husband, Friends, and Doctor. Bags are packed, carseat is installed, and we are ready to meet our new addition however it may happen :)

Peanut :)
Sweet Face :)

Here is a picture of our dresser with both some girl and boy clothes:)
Hospital Outfits. Girls name is a surprise so no hat shown :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Peanut and Nursery Update: 31 weeks!

It has been forever since I have updated! We are now at 31 weeks and counting. Down to single digit weeks left which is very exciting! We dont know the gender yet so it has been nerve racking and exciting all at the same time.  Here is the most recent belly pic, growing like a weed! As far as votes for this baby I think many people are thinking it could be a boy the farther I get along.

Mama Update:
How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes?Oh yes,about to have to really start searching for clothes since Ive gotten so big and I'm about to start back at work.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping ok. Really starting to get more uncomfortable.
Best moment this week: Our baby shower. It was a great time to celebrate our sweet baby #2. We also had maternity pics and got to see peanut on the 3D sono! It was a great last week!
Miss Anything? I've really missed laying on my belly!
Movement: Yes, like crazy! Looks like an alien in there now!
Food cravings: Probably craving more sweets now a days
. Anything making you queasy or sick: No coffee still
Have you started to show yet: Bigger and bigger
Gender: Not finding out, gonna be a surprise!!
Feeling: I have really felt great!! I have found doing some type of working out, whether walking or more has helped so much! As well as eating better.

Nursery Update:
So far for the nursery, we have it painted a neutral color on top and a chocolate brown on the bottom of a beautiful chair rail my husband put up. I have picked out two bedding for the baby so as soon as we know we can order and get started!  The crib is a very pretty dark espresso and the dresser and nightstand are painted red and we have distressed them so they will match both beddings very well I think!  Im planning lots of other cute things for either boy or girl, once it's all done of course Ill post lots of pictures!
Here are the beddings I have chosen for peanut:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our litte Fish :) Swim Lessons: Day 1

Our little Ella is a little fish. She is fearless in the water and loves it!! On one side that makes me happy that she loves it on another side, it scares mommy to death!!  So, today was our first swim lesson. Grammy found a person that does swim lessons at his house. They were all super sweet and it was very fun to see Ella interact with the other kiddos.  She put on her floaties and went for it! I dont think she realizes she cant swim yet!  She did start to kick kick alittle better and she moved her arms quite well :)  We go back Thursday night for another lesson so we will see how it goes. Enjoy pics of my little sweetie!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Halfway Mark!

As we are on this journey of this thing we call pregnancy with our second bundle of joy, the halfway mark is always exciting!! That means we are halfway there to meeting this sweet baby!!  So far pregnancy has been really good! After the first trimester things have been great! I started feeling the baby kicking and moving around 18 or so weeks, which was way earlier than Ella and so exciting!  Our halfway mark was on Friday, May 11, 2012. Here is mama and peanut:

Now we are at 21.5 weeks and still doing fantastic and feeling very blessed.  We had our anatomy sono and 3D sono to see our sweet baby it was awesome!! Here are some of our favorites!
Profile Pic

Sweet Face :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Peanut Update :)

Well, we are at 16.5 weeks! Had a sonogram yesterday where we could have found out the gender of our sweet baby but we have decided to make it a surprise! I really am so excited about doing this. For those who know me, this is SOOOO NOT like me! I am such a planner so the thought of waiting would be impossible but...I'm doing it! Why did I come to this conclusion, you ask. With Ella, Matt didn't want to know the sex and so I told him that if we found out with her we wouldn't with the next baby. Little did I know he would hold me to my word!!! But.. I am very excited about our decision.  Now the nursery is what is the hardest I think... I want it to be perfect and not knowing it's hard to know what to do. Do I do just neutral or do I wait and do most of it after the baby gets here??? That is the question. Good thing little peanut wont be in there for the first few weeks!  Now.. for some pics of our little peanut surprise :) At our apt, little peanut's heartbeat was beating at 139 beats per min. Everything looked great! We go for our 3D anatomy sono in four weeks.

Now about mama:

How far along? 16.5 Weeks
Maternity clothes?Oh yes, maternity clothes came much sooner for baby number two.Wearing more and more maternity pants and clothes.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping ok. I'm prob up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom right now. And if Im not up by 6 or so Peanut wakes me up hungry.

Best moment this week: Starting to really feel peanut move!
Miss Anything? I've really missed laying on my belly! 
Movement: Yes, starting to feel movement!
Food cravings: Not much yet actually. Just really like salty foods
. Anything making you queasy or sick: No coffee really. Not wanting sweets at all still.
Have you started to show yet: Bigger and bigger
Gender: Not finding out, gonna be a surprise!!
Feeling: I have really felt great!! I have found doing some type of working out, whether walking or more has helped so much! As well as eating better.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


First year to do bluebonnet pics. After our Easter egg hunt we went and found alittle patch of bluebonnets to take pictures of Ella in :) She was getting very sleepy but we got a few really cute ones! Especially with her daddy :)